Madison Watkins


My platform this summer at Miss Arkansas' Oustanding Teen will be O.B.Y., Others Before Yourself. Teaching people the importance of thinking of others before they think of themself, and volunteering in their community to make a difference. Most people want to help in their community, but they don't know where they should go, what the needs are of the organization, or what the outcome of their volunteering really is going to be. My goal is to be the middle man of scenarinos like that. Educate people on what they can do in their community to help, and create relationships with more people in my community to keep them accountable for it. Learning the subject of putting another person before yourself sounds simple, but it is truly an every day challenge. It's not just about going out and doing a lot of community service either, I want people to try and do things for others on a daily basis, and picture how different our world would be if we just reached out our hand.